Cool Kindle & Twitter Feature for Bloggers

If you are an avid reader or book reviewer, you no longer have to type out quotes from your books to share on your website. If you have a Kindle, do what I did to easily have paste-ready-quotes from the books you are reading. Here’s how:

  1. Set up a second twitter account (don’t put your full name in the profile and set the tweets to private so others don’t mistake it as your true Twitter account. I added a graphic to mine noting it wasn’t just in case).
  2. Set up your Kindle (Home/Menu/Settings/Social Media) to connect this this new Twitter account.
  3. As you read on the Kindle, underline and add notes if you want. (I have found it great to capture the thesis statement from each chapter, and sometimes each paragraph, to help you summarize the author’s argument or case. I label them as Thesis Chap 1, or Thesis Chp 1.p5 for paragraphs).
  4. Save & Share these notes from your Kindle.
  5. When you are ready to pull in a comment, you can go to your Twitter page and have the book outlined with thesis quotes and other notable quotes with your notes right their at your finger tips.
  6. Click the link and the full quote will pop up for you to cut and paste away with a note as to why you underlined it.
  7. Enjoy as book reviews almost write themselves.

This tip allows you to summarize books so your studious friends can decide if it is worth their read and your lazy (ignorant?) friends can have the uber-simple gist of the book without having to sully their lives with their dread of reading. It can also be done via your desktop version of Kindle but I like the summary layout in Twitter better.

Published by

Jordan Fowler

Jordan helps small businesses grow as the owner of Moon & Owl Marketing, a marketing and advertising agency in Fort Worth, TX. Lover of cycling, track and field, and borderline Liverpool FC fanatic.

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